Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Contact Network Registration

Over the past seven years the Blackfen & Lamorbey Contact Network has been used for two-way communications between the residents and the Local Policing Team (LPT).

To date we have over 2650 residents registered on the network and of these over 1900 have access to the email system.

We are trying to encourage ALL the residents to join the network to help improve the levels of communication between us so that the risk of crime in our ward can be reduced.

The main aim is to create an ‘Electronic Neighbourhood Watch’ so that we can all look out for each other and make the area an even better place to live in.

There are 21 Local Policing Teams within Bexley Police and all now have a network

►►► If you are interested in registering on a police contact network can you please email with:-

  • Full name
  • Address including postcode
  • Telephone contact numbers
  • Email address to be used

Monday, 22 September 2014


Dear resident
Can I inform you of two burglaries that have occurred, on both occasions access was gained through the front door which was not double locked (lifting the handle AND locking with the key)
Access was gained by forcing open the front door. A handbag was stolen which contained the owners car keys, the vehicle was also stolen.
This incident occurred between 02.30 hours and 06.30 hours on Monday 15th September
There will be a street briefing tonight at the junction of Rosebery Avenue and Days Lane at 1900 hours to discuss this incident.
Access was gained by forcing open the front door. A handbag was stolen.
This incident occurred between 1500 hours and 2100 hours on Sunday 14th September
There will be a street briefing tonight at the junction of Crombie road and Old Farm Avenue at 1900 hours to discuss this incident.
Please also remember to secure your property and vehicle at all times of the day and do not leave any items on display. In an emergency please call 999, in a non-emergency please call 101. You are the 'Eyes and Ears' for the Police and your help is always appreciated.

► Please invite your family & friends to join our blog and network - Thank you.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Crime Prevention Advice - Window alarm

Dear resident
Can I bring to your attention of the availability of 'Window Alarm's that detect vibrations or breakages  of windows, doors etc
They are simply stuck on to the glass surface and they are activated if a suspect tries to gain access to your property.
Whilst we are unable to recommend any specific alarm there are several available on the market and also online.
They are relatively inexpensive as some are available for less than £5.
Other good deterrents are:-
  • Solar LED Security lights
  • Timers for lights to be turned on/off at night or when you are away from your property

Please contact Marcio Borlenghi ( member of the SNT Panel ) 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Neighbourhood Panel Members Required

Dear resident
We are currently looking for a number of new residents to join the Blackfen & Lamorbey Neighbourhood Panel.
The neighbourhood panel meets four times a year to discuss all aspects of the local community and also to set three priorities for the Blackfen & Lamorbey Local Policing Team to focus their attention on.
We meet at 'The Lady of the Rosary Church Hall', Burnt Oak Lane and the meetings usually commence at 1830 hours.
Please do not hesitate to contact should your require any further information or clarification on this matter.
I am more than happy to visit you to discuss this further if you require.
To be eligible you must either live or ward on the ward. This statement is made because we do have a large number of people registered from neighbouring wards

For more info - do note hesitate to contact me Marcio Borlenghi ( Member of the Neighbourhood Panel ) on and i'll pass your details for the relevant parties.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Personal Details -

Dear resident

We have had some issues recently with personal information being held on the 192 website

May be an idea to check this out and if you want to have the personal information removed then go to link below... And send back on the details on the form

Just put in your full name and then to see what info they have .
Can I make you aware of the website which can hold some of your personal information.
To check this please enter your name followed by i.e. john smith It is possible by paying a small fee that people can register on the website to get a report on your personal information.
If you do find any personal information that you do not want in the public domain please go to the link below to obtain an 'Record Removal Form':-
With this form you can either post, fax or email to get the information removed from the website.
This may help to prevent scam callers knowing your name etc. when they call.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Bogus Police Officers

Dear resident
We have had a few incidents of criminals tricking their way into people's homes by claiming to be police officers.  Most people are unaware what a warrant card looks like, but Metropolitan Police ones will have the following:
A black leather wallet, containing:-
  • A silver metallic coat of arms, with a plate beneath with 'Police' in Braille thereon
The warrant card is white, and has the following:

  • Metropolitan Police logo at the top, and Police officer in Red beneath.
  • The officers Warrant Number
  • A colour photograph
  • The officer's name
  • The officer's Rank
  • The Commissioners Signature
  • A silver square with hologram showing a coat of arms and 'Police' written on
If in doubt, ring your local Safer Neighbourhood Team or '101' to confirm their identity.
Can you please pass this information on to all your family, friends and to all those neighbours who may not receive this email as they have no access to the internet.
Please remember, you are the 'eyes and ears of the police' and your support is invaluable in helping to make the local area an even safer place to live in.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Crime prevention

Dear resident

We had some incidents reported where vehicles are driving slowly along roads locking in residents gardens possibly looking for objects to steal.

Authorised scrap metal collectors will not mind showing their documentation, trading certificates, insurance details etc. if stopped by Police

If you ever see any suspicious vehicles, lorries/ van/cars,  please do not hesitate to call Police on 999 in am emergency and 101 in a non-emergency.

We have recently made arrests by information received from our residents.

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Dear resident

It has been brought to our attention that there have been some instances of 'Fly-tipping' in the alleys that are behind a large number of the roads on our ward.

It is an offence to dump any sort of debris, rubbish, old furniture etc. and can be especially hazardous when it attracts vermin to the area. It also causes problems as the alleys are considered the property of the residents and, as such, Bexley Council are not responsible for the removal of the waste matter.

If you do ever see such activity then can you please inform Police and supply all relevant information especially the vehicles registration number, where appropriate.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Crime Prevention Advice

Useful Contact Information

Blackfen & Lamorbey Ward
Telephone: 020 8721 2585

Metropolitan Police Service

Protect Yourself
If you want to stay on top of scams, visit our Fraud Alert website:

This site contains current information on different scams targeting consumers.  It also provides tips on guarding yourself against scams, new scam stories, scam alerts and advice on reporting scams.

Overleaf there is a list of information, resources and helplines which may assist you.

Bexley Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association

Telephone: 020 8284 5537

Promotes best practice throughout the neighbourhood watch movement and provides resources on home security and community involvement.  The site encourages the exchange of views and ideas through online forums, bringing together people with a common interest in creating community cohesion.

Bexley Borough Victim Support

53 High Street, Welling
Telephone: 020 8854 1113

If you've been a victim of any crime or affected by a crime committed against someone you know, they can help you deal with what you've been through. Their services are free and available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and regardless of when it happened.
Bexley Age Concern

Telephone: 020 8300 0883
Aims to enable people to lead full and active lives and stay safe and independent within their homes. Their services include Day Centres, Handyman Services, Information and Advice and Welfare Benefits Advice.


Telephone: 0800 555 111
The UK's only independent crime fighting charity.

Action Fraud

Provides a central point of contact for information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. If you've been scammed, ripped off or conned, there is something you can do about it. Report fraud direct to them and receive a police crime reference number.

Bexley Trading Standards

2a Hadlow Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 4AF
Telephone: 020 8303 7777

The trading standards team works to protect consumers from scams and rogue traders operating within Bexley.
Need a reliable trader? Visit Bexley's 'What Tradesman?' Scheme:


A free register for personal property, including mobile phones, bikes, computers and other valuables. Your mobile phone IMEI number can be recorded on this system. The advantage of this system is that all your serial numbers are recorded in one place, and can be retrieved or amended using one password on the site. 

Marking and Registering Your Property

Marking your property can make it difficult for thieves to sell it on and help your property to be traced, identified and returned to you if it is stolen. There are numerous ways of marking your possessions, the Secured by Design scheme recommends property marking products at:

Mobile Telephone's IMEI Number

IMEI stands for 'International Mobile Station Equipment Identity'.  This is a serial number which is unique to your mobile telephone and can be found by keying *#06# into your mobile phone. It is good practice to make a note of this number and keep it somewhere safe.

UV (Ultra Violet) property markings.

UV pens can be purchased to mark your property with your house or flat number and postcode. These markings are only viewable under UV light and property is regularly checked when recovered by Police.


A colour photograph of any valuable items can be of great assistance to police should an item be reported lost or stolen.  Ideally the photograph should be taken next to a rule to give a sense of scale.

Security Lighting

Lights can deter burglars at night.  Exterior lights will make it more difficult for burglars to stay undetected.  Make sure they are tamper-proof or at least positioned where it is difficult for intruders to reach them.

What makes your home attractive to burglars?
Burglary can have a long-lasting emotional impact on victims, leaving them feeling isolated and vulnerable.  However, by taking just a few simple measures you can reduce the chances of it happening to you.  Most burglaries tend to be opportunistic, rather than planned.  Burglars usually choose houses that have little or no visible security, seem unlived in or provide unobserved access. In particular, the following features are attractive to burglars.

A high front boundary
Low side and rear boundaries
Wheelie bins accessible
No visible intruder alarm
No security lighting
Valuables on display
Open or unsecured windows
Unsecured garage door
Unlocked shed
Paved path or drive way
Car Key Theft

Modern immobiliser systems mean that car thieves now aim to steal your keys and your vehicle at the same time.  You can stop them by following these tips:
Never leave keys in the ignition
Never leave your house or car keys near a door or window
Fit a tracker device
Use your garage if you have one.

You may not be insured if your vehicle is stolen having been left unsecured.

Bogus Callers

Although most people who come to your door will be genuine, not all are.  Bogus callers are people who pretend to be someone they are not, like a workman, or  a member of staff from a utility company.  Such callers could be looking to commit a distraction burglary – they want to trick their way into your home in order to steal. Always be cautious about any unknown man, woman, or child who comes to your door, without arranging a visit with you first.

Use your door viewer, or look through your front window to see who is there.  When anyone claiming to be from a service company, bank or the police comes to your door, always ask for their ID and call the customer services department of the company to confirm their identity.  Keep callers locked outside of your property whilst undertaking checks.  Always obtain phone numbers yourself, using your own recorded numbers or a printed telephone directory, never use any number which they may offer. Whilst this may take time, any genuine caller will not mind waiting. Be especially wary of anyone who claims they are in a hurry and needs to get into your home quickly.  Please note most utility companies can offer password schemes, consider calling them to set one up.

Please also be aware that Banks and Building Societies will never contact you to request your bank account PIN numbers, these are confidential to you and should never be divulged to anyone – no matter how convincing they seem.

What to do before you leave your home

Here's our quick reminder on what to do before you leave your home.
Close and lock all your doors and windows, even if you are only going out for a few minutes
Set your burglar alarm, If you have one
Make sure the side and/or back gate is locked.
Lock your shed or garage
Make sure that any valuables are not in sight.
Put keys out of reach of letterboxes
In the evening, shut the curtains and have lights on
If you are going to be away for days or weeks at a time, take additional action, such as cancelling newspaper and milk deliveries.  Consider asking a neighbour to close curtains, or park on your drive.  Use a timer device to automatically turn lights and a radio on at night.

Additional advice for the elderly

While the elderly often feel more concerned about crime, they are actually less likely than other people to be victims.  Measures like these will make you feel even more secure:

Always check who's at the door and don't open it if you feel anxious.
Never keep large amounts of cash in your home.
Don't keep ID or bank documents somewhere obvious – like the hallway or a kitchen drawer.
For general crime prevention advice please go to

Friday, 9 May 2014

Ward Issues

Dear resident
On the Blackfen & Lamorbey Ward we have a 'Neighbourhood Panel that meets four times a year to set the Safer Neighbourhoods Team's (SNT) priorities for the following three months. These priorities are chosen by the panel members based on their opinions and experiences whilst living or working on the ward. Police information is considered as well.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you for your input into this process. Can you, therefore, consider what issues that you may have and which your SNT should address. These issues can then be discussed at the next meeting in June. You can, of course, also comment on areas where you think that the SNT could improve its performance or where you consider that we are performing well.
With regards to any Bexley Council issues, can I remind you to
contact You can report a variety of issues including damage to pavements and roads, faulty street lights, litter, graffiti etc. I have found this service excellent with a prompt response and action taken accordingly.
Please remember to report all crime on 101 for a non-emergency or 999 in an emergency. If you want to remain anonymous please call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555111. You are the' Eyes and ears of the police'.  If you do ever see anything suspicious please remember that you will not be wasting police time by calling us. Recently we have made an arrest following a call from a resident.

If you do require any further information, or clarification, on the above please do not hesitate to contact me and I'll forward to the relevant parties.

BE AWARE of THIS SCAM! - Do not click on the Link to verify your identity.

From: VISA Card <>
To: Recipients <>
Sent: Friday, 9 May 2014, 10:14
Subject: Reactivated your Card records

Card Logo
Dear Valued Card User,

It has come to our attention that your Card information needs to be reactivated
as part of our ongoing commitment to protect your card and reduce the instance of fraud.

Once you have reactivated your Card records, your card service will not be interrupted and
will continue as normal.

Your Case ID Number is: C873320CC831

To Reactivate your Card click on the following link:

Click here to verify your identity

Thank you.
Card Services Group.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Budget 2014 - James Brokenshire

James Brokenshire has welcomed the changes set out in the Chancellor’s budget statement, which will support savers, reform pensions, provide further support for Britain’s businesses and help people keep more of their earnings. The Chancellor announced important reforms to pensions, ISA savings accounts and another increase in the Personal Tax Allowance, saving the typical taxpayer £800 a year.

Monday, 24 March 2014


Dear Resident
At 05.00 hours on Sunday 23rd March 2014, suspects have gained entry to a property and stole a vehicle off the drive after finding the keys inside the house.
Please also remember to secure your property and vehicle at all times of the day and do not leave any items on display. In an emergency please call 999, in a non-emergency please call 101.
There will be a street briefing tonight, Monday 24th March 2014, at the junction of Oaklands Avenue and Willersley Avenue commencing at 1900 hours. This issue will be discussed and crime prevention advice will also be available.


Dear Resident
At 00.30 hours on Monday 24th March 2014, suspects have gained entry to a local shop by lifting the shutters, breaking the glass on the front door and stealing a large amount of cigarettes. A black hatchback vehicle was seen parked outside the shop on the pavement and this was believed to be used for the  suspects to escape with the goods.
Please also remember to secure your property and vehicle at all times of the day and do not leave any items on display. In an emergency please call 999, in a non-emergency please call 101.
There will be a street briefing tonight, Monday 24th March 2014, at the junction of Pinewood Avenue and Brookend Road commencing at 1800 hours. This issue will be discussed along with two additional incidents that occurred on a neighbouring ward on Sunday 23rd March 2014. Crime prevention advice will also be available.


Dear Resident
Between 1415 hours and 1615 Hours on Saturday 22nd March 2014, suspects have gained entry to the property by breaking a window in the rear patio door. Some property was stolen including jewellery.
You are the eyes and ears of the police and should you see anything suspicious please do not hesitate to contact the police
Please also remember to secure your property and vehicle at all times of the day and do not leave any items on display. In an emergency please call 999, in a non-emergency please call 101.
There will be a street briefing tonight, Sunday 23rd March 2014, at the junction of Burnt Oak Lane and Cedar Avenue commencing at 1800 hours. This issue will be discussed along with any crime prevention advice that you may require.

'Crime Prevention Event'

Dear resident
Can I take this opportunity to inform you of a 'Crime Prevention Event' that we have arranged to be held at The Co-op ,188 Halfway Street.
It is being held on Saturday 29th March 2014 between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.
Members of Blackfen & Lamorbey Local Policing Team will be there to discuss any issues that you may have and to offer crime prevention advice on any of your security concerns.
Property marking will be available for any items that you care to bring to the event. This enables any property to be more easily returned to you, if found, when it is either lost or stolen.
Please tell all your family, friends and neighbours about this event.

Monday, 3 February 2014


Dear Resident
Between 1900 hours on 31/01/14 and 1330 hours on 01/02/14 suspects broke into a vehicle and stole a mobile telephone
If you do notice anyone acting suspiciously at any time, please do not hesitate to contact Police, with the registration number of any vehicle they may be driving or a passenger within, together with a description including clothing. Criminals sometimes visit an area they intend to operate in at some stage before committing the offence in order to identify potential vehicles, properties etc.
It is important that your vehicles are securely locked and that any valuables are not left on display. Ideally, they should be removed and stored inside your home. In addition, a secondary security device such as the old fashioned ‘crook lock’ may deter the theft of cars and vans. Please do not store keys near your front door and especially not in view of windows or letter -boxes, as this will only encourage thieves.
To reduce the risk of having your number-plates stolen, anti-theft screws are available from your local police team. Please just request via email with your full postal address and they will be delivered to you. Not only is it troublesome and costly to replace number-plates but they may be used for criminal activity, or penalty notice evasion.
You are the ‘Eyes and Ears’ of the Police and your support is vital to try and prevent crime. If you identify any risk to yourself, yours or your neighbours’ properties, please call the emergency number 999. For all other enquiries please call 101. 
In addition, if you would like any further crime prevention advice, or a home visit, please contact by return indicating your home address.

Thursday, 30 January 2014


Dear Resident 

Between 1640 hours and 2230 hours on Wednesday 29th January 2014 , suspects have gained entry to the property by unknown means and have conducted an untidy search before leaving via the front door of the property. 


You are the eyes and ears of the police and should you see anything suspicious please do not hesitate to contact the police Please also remember to secure your property and vehicle at all times of the day and do not leave any items on display. 

In an emergency please call 999, in a non-emergency please call 101.

There will be a street briefing tonight, Thursday 30th January 2014, at the junction of Gordon Road and Orchard Rise West commencing at 1900 hours.

This issue will be discussed along with any crime prevention advice that you may require.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Avoid running into danger

One of the most common New Year resolutions is to get fit. So if you're thinking about running around the streets or jogging through the local park in the mornings or after work, spare a thought for how you can do it safely.
Unfortunately, whilst not common, attacks on lone joggers or walkers do happen so it's advisable to take extra care.

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