Friday, 9 May 2014

Ward Issues

Dear resident
On the Blackfen & Lamorbey Ward we have a 'Neighbourhood Panel that meets four times a year to set the Safer Neighbourhoods Team's (SNT) priorities for the following three months. These priorities are chosen by the panel members based on their opinions and experiences whilst living or working on the ward. Police information is considered as well.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you for your input into this process. Can you, therefore, consider what issues that you may have and which your SNT should address. These issues can then be discussed at the next meeting in June. You can, of course, also comment on areas where you think that the SNT could improve its performance or where you consider that we are performing well.
With regards to any Bexley Council issues, can I remind you to
contact You can report a variety of issues including damage to pavements and roads, faulty street lights, litter, graffiti etc. I have found this service excellent with a prompt response and action taken accordingly.
Please remember to report all crime on 101 for a non-emergency or 999 in an emergency. If you want to remain anonymous please call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555111. You are the' Eyes and ears of the police'.  If you do ever see anything suspicious please remember that you will not be wasting police time by calling us. Recently we have made an arrest following a call from a resident.

If you do require any further information, or clarification, on the above please do not hesitate to contact me and I'll forward to the relevant parties.

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