While you are planning your holiday away from home, don't forget to get
your home ready for your Holiday too. Use these tips to help safeguard
your house while you are gone.
-Write up an itinerary of where you
will be and the dates you will be gone. Be sure to include phone numbers
you can be reached at in case of an emergency. Then make a couple
copies and give them to a neighbor you know and trust. Give another copy
to a family member or another friend. That way you will be doubly
-Leave a house key with someone you trust, just in case they need to get in the house for you.
-If you are not taking the car, leave them a car key too. If you don't
park in a garage, purchase a safety device to lock your steering wheel
while you are away.
-Arrange with the post office to hold mail
deliveries. They have forms you can fill out telling them when to stop
deliveries and when to begin them again.
-If you have newspapers
delivered to your home, make sure you call the newspaper and arrange
for no deliveries on the days you are gone. Old newspapers, piled up
outside of your home, are a sure sign no one is home.
-One alternative to the mail and newspaper delivery, is to have someone come over daily and bring in the mail and newspapers.
-Close your curtains so no one can look in. It is much more difficult
for a possible intruder to tell if someone is actually in the house or
not, if they can't look in the windows.
-Purchase a few light
timers to set in a different rooms around the house. Set them to go on
and off at random times. Even of your curtains are closed, light can be
seen around the edges of the curtains.
-Don't waste unnecessary
electricity when you aren't even there. Unplug things like microwaves
with clocks, computers, and other items that are not needed while you
are away.
-Double check all your windows and doors, even the
smallest ones. Make sure they are locked and secure. If you do not have
safety locks on your window, consider installing some. A simple and less
expensive alternative is to buy doweling and cut it in pieces that fit
in the window grooves, to prevent someone from sliding them open.
Consider installing deadbolt locks for outside entrance doors.
-If you have alarms for fire and burglary, make sure they are set
properly and turned on. If you have a security company, notify them that
you will be away.
-Turn your answering machine on so you don't
miss important messages. If you have that option, make sure you retrieve
them while you are gone, so the message box doesn't get filled up.
-Adjust your heater or air conditioner settings for the time you are
away. If you live in snowy climates, during the winter do not turn the
heater off completely. If you are leaving pets in your home for someone
to take care of, make sure you take them into consideration when
adjusting the temperature settings. You want them to be comfortable
while you are away.
-Arrange for pet care of you have pets you
are leaving at home. Sometimes animals are more comfortable in their
home environment ,than at a kennel or someone else's home. If you are
having someone come into your home to take care of pets, you might have
them bring in the mail and papers, if you opt not to stop deliveries.
-Empty your garbage cans and clean out perishables from your
refrigerator. You don't want to come home to rotten smells. Give
anything that is still good, but won't be the by the time you get back.
to a neighbor or friend.
-Keep areas around windows and
entryways clear of excess plant growth. Keeping bushes and plants
trimmed allows neighbors to see if any intruders are lurking near your
-Don't leave spare keys hidden in obvious places, like under door mats and in front door planter boxes.
-Don't talk about being gone on vacation out in public places before
you leave. Anyone listening could pick up on that information.
-Consider joining a neighborhood watch program, so more eyes are looking
out for your home while you are away at any time. This is a good
program for all times, not just while you are away on holiday.
You want to come home to find everything safe and secure. These tips to
prepare your home for holiday will help reduce your worry while you are
away and help to ensure your home and belongings are protected.